Recharging after the holidays. What to do.

The holidays are a time of celebration, coziness and warmth, but also a time of little time for yourself. All the better to recharge your batteries after the holidays. Unfortunately the spas are not open, but there are plenty of other options to relax yourself. MASTERS gives you some tips.Online editors: Patrick Stoffer & Noa Verseveldt

Online yoga course or meditation

To really unwind, book an online yoga course. In this way you can work out and lose those Christmas pounds. It also allows you to clear your mind and thus physically and mentally unwind. What also helps to clear your mind is meditation. In this way you can clear your head and reflect on the year, so you can start the new year with a fresh outlook. That way you can forget the hectic pace of the holiday season in an instant.

Facial treatment at home

What better way to relax than to pamper yourself with a facial? Since your favorite beautician can't pamper you with a facial, you have to do it yourself. But that doesn't make it any less relaxing.

Grab a book

In the digital age we live in today, hardly anyone reads a book anymore. Light a scented candle, run the bath and grab your book. You'll be relaxing in no time. With the added bonus that for once you're not looking at a screen all day. Need tips? You can read them here.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

Weekend getaway

The lockdown makes this a little more complicated than usual, but you can still rent a nice cottage to escape from all the hustle and bustle. So you can take soothing walks in the woods and enjoy nature. Or soak in the private sauna or Jacuzzi.