In the cold and dark winter months, the winter dip lurks. Every year about 400,000 Dutch people suffer from winter depression, with symptoms such as sleep disorders, fatigue and gloom. Of course, nobody wants that and with these food tips you can provide yourself with enough energy to get through the winter fresh and cheerful.Text: Leonie Pamboer

Eat your veggies

It's simple: more vegetables is more nutrients. For example, the sweet potato contains a lot of potassium, which ensures good oxygen circulation. This makes you more resistant to the cold AND gives you a great excuse to turn on the airfryer for sweet potato fries. Another superfood is spinach, packed with vitamin B6 and iron, which boosts your muscles and immune system. In addition, spinach is so versatile that there is always a dish you can think of that will make you happy, such as salads, dishes with egg, quiches, or pasta sauces.

Happy Hüttekäse

Hüttenkäse, or cottage cheese, literally makes you happier. This low-fat and high-protein product is loaded with serotonin, which is popularly known as the happiness hormone. In addition, the ample vitamin B12 provides some extra energy and proper nervous system function. Hüttenkäse is easy to integrate into your diet by adding it to a variety of salads or spread a nice layer on a rice cake with some pepper or green herbs.

Healthy fats

Healthy fats have a positive effect on your mood and concentration. Examples of healthy fats are nuts, seeds, olive oil, salmon and avocado. For example, avocado helps your body produce vitamin A, which is a real immune booster. And for more energy and a more positive mood, a nice slice of salmon is a good choice.

More magnesium

Magnesium allows muscles to relax, gives more rest and is needed for the production of serotonin. It is mainly found in green leafy vegetables, bananas, whole grain cereals and in dark chocolate. So don't hesitate to enjoy a piece of dark chocolate at night by the crackling fireplace, your body will thank you.