Documentaries that provide insight into the financial world

Money, money, money, in fact we never have enough of it. But what do we really know about the world of finance? In these four documentaries, experts tell you all about the world of money.Text: Patrick Stoffer

The Eighth Day

In 2008, the European financial system nearly collapsed. Based on the FORTIS/ABNAMRO bailout, European leaders of the time, such as Jan Peter Balkenende, Wouter Bos, Nout Wellink, Yves Leterme and Jean-Claude Trichet, take the viewer through the seven most exciting days of 2008. This documentary looks back on this period and looks at where we are today.

Money, Explained

This 2021 documentary series tells the complex story of money. Various experts tell all about money and the minefields surrounding it, from student loans to scams and casinos to credit cards. After this series, you'll understand exactly how money works.

Dirty Money

We all know that some companies don't do everything by the book. Corruption among companies is common, and this series charts some examples of it. Dirty Money examines blatant examples of corporate corruption and greed. All for profit....

Saving Capitalism

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich talks to Americans from all walks of life as he highlights a radical shift in the economy.