GIJRATH & DE VLIEGER: “Polarization is the biggest wood rot in our society”

This week Gijrath & De Vlieger sit face to face with each other in the podcast studio in Amstelveen and that provides the necessary hilarity and fun, but also deeply substantive conversations. Time flies when you're having fun, so The GYGS consists of two parts this week. The first part contains a special with the main theme of 'exclusion and polarization'. The companions are excited about the illustration that the Volkskrant printed by Maurice de Hond last week. He was depicted as a puppeteer in control, which evokes memories of anti-Semitic caricatures from the Nazi era. It raises many questions for Gijrath & De Vlieger and it requires solutions: “polarization is the biggest rot in our society”. In addition to the main theme, the gentlemen also delved into the leaked secret minutes of the Council of Ministers about Omtzigt. There is one man who can open up, but why doesn't he? In part 1 of The GYGS, Gijrath & De Vlieger focus, among other things, on the Super League: “the only thing that matters is money, money, money! “, Minister Zalm receives a vote of no confidence, the associates have continued their investigation into the pocket-filling of Lead Healthcare BV, there is a disagreement about the documentary about Andre Hazes, pizzas are served and the regular features are discussed. Things remained restless for a long time in the podcast studio in Amstelveen... Curious? Check out the trailer. Anyone who also wants to be part of the growing movement of dissidents and listen to the entire episode of The GYGS can register as a 'captain' at www. Become a captain like Gijrath & De Vlieger and step aboard!


This week Gijrath & De Vlieger sit face to face with each other in the podcast studio in Amstelveen and that provides the necessary hilarity and fun, but also deeply substantive conversations. Time flies when you're having fun, so The GYGS consists of two parts this week. The first part contains a special with the main theme of 'exclusion and polarization'. The companions are excited about the illustration that the Volkskrant printed by Maurice de Hond last week. He was depicted as a puppeteer in control, which evokes memories of anti-Semitic caricatures from the Nazi era. It raises many questions for Gijrath & De Vlieger and it requires solutions: “polarization is the biggest rot in our society”. In addition to the main theme, the gentlemen also delved into the leaked secret minutes of the Council of Ministers about Omtzigt. There is one man who can open up, but why doesn't he? In part 1 of The GYGS, Gijrath & De Vlieger focus, among other things, on the Super League: “the only thing that matters is money, money, money! “, Minister Zalm receives a vote of no confidence, the associates have continued their investigation into the pocket-filling of Lead Healthcare BV, there is a disagreement about the documentary about Andre Hazes, pizzas are served and the regular features are discussed. Things remained restless for a long time in the podcast studio in Amstelveen... Curious? Check out the trailer. Anyone who also wants to be part of the growing movement of dissidents and listen to the entire episode of The GYGS can register as a 'captain' at www. Become a captain like Gijrath & De Vlieger and step aboard!