Jack of all trades and creating an impressive living dream: that is Martin van Essen, exclusive kitchens. With the craftsmanship and heart for the business, not only kitchens are transformed into something special, but also the rest of the interior. MASTERS takes a look behind the scenes of director Martin van Essen. Text: Mical Joseph
Image: Van Essen Kitchens

What was your very first job?

“As a teenager I worked in a workshop for a carpenter in our neighborhood. I ended up there through a neighbor who also worked there. In addition to my part-time job at the workplace, I was also apprenticed as a carpenter. At one point I moved on to an interior builder in the village where I had the time of my life. My work at the builder gave me a taste for it. I really liked interior construction and wanted to continue with it. I was allowed to do the drawing work and I thought it was great. Creating and being creative that produces beautiful products. At 23e I started my own business and founded Martin van Essen Keukens.”

Who was your wheelbarrow?

“That's René Hazeleger. He helped me with the drawing work and guided me over the years. He gave me the freedom to develop myself and make creations the way I liked and envisioned. I have always really appreciated that. This appreciation allowed me to pursue my passion even more. Creating impressive products and making the customer happy with them are my main passion and goal. We have just opened a new showroom, which has been added extra and to receive customers there also gives such a nice feeling.”

What has been the biggest learning moment in your career?

“In 2004 I was only involved in management and that was not what I liked, so at some point I changed course a bit. I started doing things differently so that I could focus on the fun part of my job again, which is consulting with customers and potential customers.”

What have you learned during the corona period?

“I found the first few weeks particularly strange and also very insecure. At the time, we discussed with the team how we could best get through the period. This meant that we really had to rely on our feelings and of course just carry on. We were open the entire period, but it was quite quiet. Now that the new showroom has been opened, we can get back to business.”

Martin van Essen | Van Essen Kitchens