Lengers Yachts – (inter)national seller of luxury new and pre-owned ships – Muiden will be all about new ships from 3 to 6 September. Top dealer of the brands Sanlorenzo, Bluegame, Prestige and Sacs has announced that it will organize open days. Text: Larissa Schaule Jullens
Image: Lengers YachtsLengers operates as an international yacht broker and has taken leadership as the number 1 dealer of the brands Sanlorenzo, Bluegame, Prestige and Sacs. The newest ships will be exhibited to the public on the open days in the Lengers Marina in Muiden. A small selection of the new splendor: the top model from Bluegame, the BGX70 and the Strider 900 - the latest model from Sacs. There will also be a large collection of pre-owned ships during the 'Lengers in-water boat show'. other international top brands are exhibited. Lengers – together with partners GASSAN Diamonds, Lamborghini Leusden, Boatsters Black, Pardo Yachts (with 3 ships), Code Zero, MASTERS EXPO and Direct Berth – will make it an unforgettable day. If you would like to admire one of the newest ships from September 3 to 6, please register by email. Indicate the number of people, your preferred day and the name of the ship you want to view. Due to Covid-19, access will only be granted upon presentation of the confirmation email.