If you are looking for a house with a hefty price tag, Funda is not always the right place. To keep prying eyes at bay and to guarantee privacy, some houses are being put up for silent sale. Only a select few get access to these secret objects...Text: Ivo Weyel
Online editor: Larissa Schaule Jullens

Silent sale

The website of real estate agency Carla van den Brink contains a wide range of houses for sale. There is also a separate category: Silent Sales. Below that is the number zero. No houses to be seen that are for silent sale. Only logical, because silent sales are meant to keep quiet, right? “Yes and no,” says real estate agent Pieter Joep van den Brink, son of the founder, helmsman and namesake. “Of course we will keep the silent sale a secret. But if we have houses in that category, certain selected people can log in with their details to view that offer - if approved by the seller."

According to registered real estate agent and appraiser Jacques Evert Walch, owner of Voorma and Walch Makelaars in Het Gooi, the group of Dutch people who do not want it to be known that their house is for sale is growing. “Just this morning I had a conversation with someone who is going to put his house up for sale for 20 million. He absolutely does not want to go to Funda, because he sees that as a huge leak. I have to respect that. On the other hand, as an NVM real estate agent, we are obliged to place a property for sale on Funda within 24 hours. That is quite a struggle and that is why I started the discussion with the board of the NVM. We receive an exemption for special cases. If the seller comes up with nonsense arguments, I will have to convince him to put his house on Funda after all.”


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