The perfect Christmas gift: does it really exist? A catchy book is always good. MASTERS lists the three most intellectual, chic and inspiring must reads to give or get already on the wish list.Text: Larissa Schaule Jullens
Image: Mendo

The Big Questions

Stephen Hawking – the world-renowned scientist and best-selling author – leaves the world with his latest ideas on the universe's biggest questions in this masterful book. Ten critical, pressing and comprehensive questions are addressed in this book. Questions like: is there a God? Is time travel possible? How did everything start and what is inside a black hole? A wide range of intellectual topics with lots of humor.

Contemporary Houses: 100 homes around the world

This book opens a door to the 100 most breathtaking homes of the past two decades. Designing homes is a particularly difficult challenge for an architect. The scale may be more limited than that of public landmarks and the technology is less complex, but the personal preferences and demands of the clients are even more exciting than any project. The delicate task is to understand all the emotional associations and practical requirements of home to translate into a realistic reality. This publication summarizes 100 of the world's most interesting and groundbreaking homes designed over the past two decades.

Revolution Through Debt

Economist Rein de Vries explains in his book Revolution Through Debt clearly shows that the Western financial elite appears to have a much more important role in the course of world history than initially thought. The influence of this elite on society is examined from a historical and geographical point of view. Little by little it becomes clear how refined and carefully society is controlled by this small group of people. Sometimes reality is crazier than fiction, as this book by Rein de Vries proves.