Dick Mulders from DMD: 'Luxury with courage!'

Experience 17th century architecture with the present. Designer and founder of DMD Amsterdam Dick Mulders knows how to bring this together in a unique project that he and his team managed to realize on Amsterdam's Prinsengracht. At the same time, DMD brings the 21st century into the building, making it modern and monumental with the DMD signature […]

Louvre blocks record Chardin sale of €24,4 million

The Strawberry Basket (1761) by the French painter Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin was bought last week by the New York art dealer Adam Williams for € 24,4 million. The Louvre Museum is now putting a stop to that. Text: Patrick Stoffer The still life was auctioned last week by the French auction house Artcurial, where Williams was fortunate [...]