Most beautiful road trips in the world

There's nothing wrong with dreaming ahead, right? Despite the fact that more and more European holiday destinations are getting the 'green light', the rest of the world will still have to wait a while. MASTERS selects the five most stunning road trips in the world.Text: Larissa Schaule Jullens Image: Blueridgenps | Gaia.amaranta | Alaintimes | Iris.shamrock | Bigsurcalifornia Blue Ridge Parkway, […]


Pieter van der Leegte is director of the VDL Group, which has 107 companies in 20 countries. The family group, founded in 1953, has approximately 15.000 employees and a turnover of 6 billion euros. The thoroughbred supporter of FC Eindhoven is a member of the club's supervisory board. Text: Jaap de Groot Image: Karoly […]


The historic city center of Zwolle is home to many terraces, restaurants and cafés. Strolling through the center you will automatically come to the two most striking sights of Zwolle: the most beautiful bookstore in the Netherlands, Waanders In de Broeren, and Museum de Fundatie. From the striking window of the museum, one look is enough: the vibrant city center [...]

Anne Mei Poppe, artist

Today in MASTERS Gallery: artist Anne Mei Poppe. Her expressionist and modern paintings visualize stories in one flowing line and reflect the way the lives of loved ones are connected. Online editor: Larissa Schaule Jullens Image: Anne Mei Poppe Bloom “Nature and women in bloom. The work Bloom shows that the […]

This is: Elon Musk's mother

Maye Musk is the mother of the second richest man in the world, but she has been a star in her own right for years. Maye introduced herself to millions of people around the world during her appearance on Saturday Night Life. At the respectable age of 73, Elon's mother still has a […]