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Finnik's only way is up and this is why

In The Only Way Is Up late M introducing the world every week to startups that are reaching the world with a groundbreaking product or service. In this section, the founders of startups share their success, entrepreneurial tips and vision for the future to inspire you. This week it is the startup's turn Finnik, which digitally ensures that no one has to be unsure about purchasing a car. Text: Patrick Stoffer
Image: Finnik How annoying is it if, after purchasing a car, you discover that it turns out to be stolen or that it does not entirely match the sales pitch of the previous driver. This is very easy to prevent with the right knowledge. And that is precisely the specialty of the startup Finnik, founded in 2016, which is part of the largest party in the field of vehicle registration. By digitally checking the license plate, you will not be faced with any surprises when you proudly show your new car to your friends. MASTERS spoke to the director of the license plate platform, Daan van Leeuwen.

Started from the bottom and now we're…

“We have been around for five years now and the Finnik app and website now has more than 1 million active users. In 2020 we received no less than 45 million license plate queries. We are now at the transition point from a license plate finder to a car platform where you can find all relevant information for buying, selling and driving a car.”

Best tip you've had?

“Really listen to your customers and start a conversation with them, invite them to customer evenings. Everyone in the Finnik team answers questions from our customers and we discuss this twice a week in our 'standups'.”

Why do you think Finnik is so successful?

“Information is becoming increasingly available to consumers and we meet that need in the automotive sector. We have the most complete and qualitative data in the automotive industry through our collaboration with the largest official RDW provider that provides vehicle information. We are independent and therefore we help consumers with, among other things, the purchase and sale of their car with more and more relevant information to give them more certainty in the process.”

Which company/service would you have liked to come up with yourself?

“I have recently become a big fan of the Gorillas app, the delivery service that delivers your groceries within ten minutes. Fantastic and a promising concept.”

What would you do with 1 million?

“Accelerating the process we are currently in, i.e. the transition to a full-fledged car platform and I would take the first international steps.”

What bids have there already been for your company?

“Finnik is part of VWE Automotive (body that provides vehicle information, ed.) and can achieve the growth we want 100% under the wings of VWE.”

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

“We have then grown into a fully-fledged car platform that is internationally active and helps millions of consumers internationally with the purchase and sale of their car.”


THE ONLY WAY IS UP is a section of MASTERS, in which the founders of successful startups* are questioned about success, mission and the future. Every week a new startup is put in the spotlight, so be inspired! Also curious about how startups Felyx, Somnox, BridgeFund, Neurolytics and FIGO Mobility what to do to achieve their success? Then read this too.

Your startup also in the spotlight? Mail Please contact Patrick Stoffer ( for the options.

*Startup: a company up to five years old that aims for rapid growth with an innovative idea: young, ambitious and innovative.