Eric Vanderhoeven, (Brand) Manager of OMEGA Benelux, has known several wheelbarrows throughout his life. Now he is at the helm of a special watch brand and may also call himself a wheelbarrow. We talk to Eric.Text: Mical Joseph
Image: OMEGA | Mell Photography

What was your very first job?

"At the age of 18, I worked freelance for the written press. I come from Tervuren, Belgium, a town with a rich history. As a result, I wrote to my heart's content for the local newspaper. At some point I started to study Communication Studies, but illness prevented me from completing these studies. However, I continued to write journalism actively. I then joined the Belgian airline Sabena. This airline unfortunately went bankrupt in 2001."

How did you end up in your current job?

"Through a headhunter, I ended up at my current employer, OMEGA, 15 years ago."

In that, who was your wheelbarrow?

"I was in a high school where the focus was on language. I enjoyed French, English and Dutch. My French teacher was an important wheelbarrow in the first period of my life, during his classes I had to read French literary works of high level. The fact that I speak French well often helped me in my career."

"In the later part of my life in aviation I had a two mentors. These were Mr. Goderis and Mr. Fonteyn, they taught me how to handle negotiations. In watchmaking, I received a lot of advice from Mr. Louf. Through him I developed my passion for luxury watches."

What is your greatest passion in your profession?

"My greatest passion is the combination between commercial and structural challenges. Because of the wonderful history OMEGA has, we bring this out enthusiastically. The commercial projects of which I manage the team in the Netherlands and Belgium remain fascinating. Our high-end events worldwide are also interesting for the industry."

What has been your biggest learning moment in your career?

"Because Sabena went bankrupt, I had to tell the staff that they were losing their jobs. This was an intense period, because I was burying the company, so to speak. Breaking the bad news did not go easy on me; the team was very close. This was a great learning moment for me: it toughened me up and taught me that this work is also part of this job. You are a manager in the good moments, but also in worse times."

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

"Stay who you are with the baggage you've been given, but a good day costs nothing. This one-liner should be on my grave. 'A good day costs nothing' is my motto in life."

Have you been a wheelbarrow for anyone?

"I have definitely been a mentor and motivator for a number of people to take them to higher heights. Both in aviation and watchmaking. With the age I am now, I can and do share that baggage of experience."