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BridgeFund puts world in motion

Het kleinbedrijf vertegenwoordigt 99.9 procent van alle bedrijven in Nederland, zorgt voor 60 procent voor alle bedrijfswinsten en voor maar liefst 70 procent van alle werkgelegenheid. Toch trekken banken zich steeds meer terug uit de markt voor kleine zakelijke leningen. En daar is waar BridgeFund inspringt. Zonder tussenkomst van banken verstrekken zij leningen aan – naar eigen zeggen- de helden van de Nederlandse economie.

With a combination of an online application process and an advanced credit assessment, the company ensures that money can once again do what they believe it is meant to do: move the world. In five years, the company has since been able to delight more than 5,000 entrepreneurs with financing. From new equipment to operate more efficiently to timely procurement of new inventory.


Investing at BridgeFund works like this: you put a minimum of €100,000 into the fund, and from this fund the company provides small, short-term loans to numerous entrepreneurs who have successfully passed the rigorous credit review process. Every euro invested in the fund is 110 percent covered. This is because part of the interest entrepreneurs pay on their loans is set aside specifically for this purpose.

And good news, because the market for alternative finance is growing on and on. The market share for small business loans is growing for alternative financiers. At the same time, this means more diversification. At BridgeFund, your deposit is spread over more than 3,000 short-term loans to entrepreneurs from various sectors.

Curious about the possibilities? Check out the website here.Â