He cooks great food, doesn't waste any food and he leaves the kitchen spotless. It sounds too good to be true, but the world's first robot chef is guaranteed to be your new best friend. Text: Larissa Schaule Jullens
Image: Moley Robotics

Moley Robotics

De Moley Robotics, which was developed over six years by robotics company Moley, is the first device that takes care of almost all the kitchen work. The robot is mounted on the ceiling and glides through the kitchen on its track. The actions and movements of professional chefs have been uploaded into his memory, allowing him to precisely imitate them with his arms. The Moley Robotics, in other words your best friend, cooks more than 5000 recipes and cleans everything up himself. With one press touch screen button you choose your favorite dish and it is immediately prepared for you. Although the robot can do a lot, there are a number of things you need to give it a hand with, such as shopping and peeling potatoes. Nothing more is expected of you, apart from relaxing. The Moley Robotics will be sold by the end of 2021, for a reasonable price of €275.000. For now we are mainly daydreaming about the idea…