Brand-new BMW iX shown at MASTERS EXPO

The BMW iX was recently officially launched and shown at MASTERS EXPO. With a range of 416km, power of 326hp, self-healing materials, unsurpassed durability and unprecedented sporty driving pleasure, the new model was presented to the world, and with success. Meet this latest model from BMW.Text: Patrick Stoffer
Image: BMWThe BMW iX is the car for the future. For the future, what does that mean? The BMW iX contributes as much as 45 percent less to global warming than a comparable SUV with a fuel engine over a distance of 200,000km. In addition, it requires no rare earth metals for production, is produced with renewable electricity and recycled materials. This is the future.

In particular, the minimalist - yet futuristic - design stood out. Furthermore, the driving characteristics of the BMW iX were described as nimble, and that while the car is sizable. A huge compliment to BMW and its innovation.

Curious and want to test drive the BMW iX? Make an appointment at one of the dealers.